
Dear Friends,

A ‘Church’ has been a long nurtured, dream, hope and desire of the St. James Congregation for the last twelve years. Now we have a ‘Church’ and a Parsonage. Praise be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This Church is indebted to many. First of all we are thankful for the Almighty Love of God towards his Church and his people. Gratitude goes also to the selfless giving and liberal contributions of all the Members of our Church. The support and contribution from the CSI Karnataka Central Diocese has gone a long way in helping achieving the dream. And finally the relentless prayer of the faithful to have our own Church for Worship has helped tremendously in the fruition of the long standing hope and desire. May God bless them all. I hope and pray that this church would be a place where many people come together and worship god and also be a place for many to find peace joy and hope in their life in the days to come.

Rev. John Joseph, Presbyter-in-Charge

‘’That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof thou wouldest put thy name there, to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this place.’’. (2 Chronicles 6:20.)

Dear Friends in Christ,
On this great day when we are dedicating this place for the glory of God let us not forget our maker and our redeemer who made this happen. Without Gods help this would not have happened.

When we talk about making sure everything that goes into this place of worship is new, as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ deserves the best. Are we also going to look into our hearts to see if we are going as a new person a new congregation with Jesus in our hearts? The New Testament talks about our bodies as the temple of the living God. Should it also not be new? Replacing some of our old habits, dedicating ourselves for the great commission? Let’s simultaneously look into ourselves and prepare our bodies to be clean to be used by God.

As a congregation we need to look back and thank God first who made this possible. When God plans He knows how to make it happen. The answer to every member of our congregation’s prayer is what we are seeing today. The strength of prayer is stronger than any thing else in this world.

I would like to thank the Most Rev. S.Vasantha Kumar, Moderator, C S I and Bishop KCD along with all members of the Diocese for their unconditional support to this case. The Achen and Family for his excellent Leadership, the committee for its wonderful support and prayers, the congregation for their overwhelming support financially and with their prayers. Every member came forward to give, beyond what they could afford liberally. That was touching and as a committee we were emotionally thanking God.

On Behalf of our Achen and the Congregation I take this opportunity to thank the political leaders of our area, the Govt officials who helped this to be a success and all support we got from other churches specially East Parade Church and well wishers from outside who contributed by sharing the building work as their contribution towards our Church. A word of thanks to our main contractor Carbon Developers (Paul E George) for his endless support in making our dream come true.

I would like to end with these beautiful verses.

‘’ If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. For now have I chosen and sanctified this house that my name maybe there for ever; and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually’’. (2 Chronicles 7:14-16)

Let us with one heart pray to God to bless this place as in the above verses.

Mr. Sankey Prasad -Diocesan Council Representative