We always believe We always enjoy We always Insist you
We always believe
God is Above All Things
We always enjoy
Cherishing moments of spiritual awakening.
We always Insist you
Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.

Message for the month…

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

The Epistle of Jude, a short but powerful letter, offers important themes and messages centered around defending the Christian faith, warning against false teachings, and encouraging believers to remain steadfast

Divine Service and Fasting Prayer

Regular Sunday Worship Service – Holy Communion8:00 AM
Matins Worship Service – 5th Sunday8:00 AM
Fasting Prayer on Fridays10:00 AM
Youth Fellowship Meeting on Sundays10:15 AM
Sunday School Classes on Sundays10:15 AM
Men’s Fellowship10:30 AM
Women’s Fellowship10:30 AM
Choir Practice on Saturdays

4:00 PM


“Connecting people with God through
genuine relationships to serve


“To grow in higher spiritual maturity
levels and prepare better citizens for
the community, country and world.”


“The Church of South India affirms
that Church is the Servant of God
to carry on the mission rooted in
Jesus Christ and based on the

Our History

The story of the journey of a Prayer Group moving on to a Worship Congregation and then onto a full fledged Church, the St. James CSI Malayalam Church, is a typical Christian story of Commitment, Prayer and Fortitude. Committed Laymen and Dedicated Clergy over the years have seen the development of a church in the Bangalore East area.


John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”
Fellowship comes from the Greek word, KOINONIA, which means “to share in common.” Christian fellowship is more than attending Church — it is “assimilating” into the body of believers, becoming “one” in worshipping, loving, caring and sharing. According to the scripture, fellowship is not an optional matter for believers. It says, “if walk in the light [in fellowship with God]… this causes us to have fellowship with one another.” And from the outcome of this fellowship, “the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

  • Fellowship means being a part of a group, a body of people. It is opposed to isolation, solitude, loneliness, and our present-day independent kind of individualism. Of course, it does not stop there because we can be in a crowd of people and even share certain things in common, but still not have fellowship.
  • Fellowship means having or sharing with others certain things in common such as interest, goals, feelings, beliefs, activities, labor, privileges and responsibilities, experiences, and concerns
  • Fellowship can mean a partnership that involves working together and caring for one another as a company of people, like a company of soldiers or members of a family.



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Dear Friends, A ‘Church’ has been a long nurtured, dream, hope and desire of the St. James Congregation for the last twelve years. Now we have a ‘Church’ and a Parsonage. Praise be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Read More]

Rev. John Joseph

Former Presbyter-in-Charge

‘’That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof thou wouldest put thy name there, to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this place.’’. (2 Chronicles 6:20.) [Read More]

Mr. Sankey Prasad

Diocesan Council Representative

Listen to our

Confirmation 2022
X-Mas Carol 2022
Convention 2022
Choir Sunday 2022

Presbyters who have served the Church

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